Well, the time has come. I turned 30 yesterday and here's the fall out from my 30-by-30 list:
- In Process! Bake a cheesecake in my spring-form pan, not from a box mix. - I have the perfect recipe, and made a cheesecake bar that was delicious to try a less intimidating cheesecake situation before I went all in.
- In Process! Create a Beef Stew recipe that Hubby will eat. - I have the recipe and the ingredients and it's on the menu for this week!
- DONE! Scour the Internet for a Chicken with Black Bean Sauce recipe reminiscent of the dish at PF Changs. (Hubby's request)
- DONE! Perfect Snickerdoodles (since they have eluded me thus far!) - Abandoned for delicious Snickerdoodle Blondies and Pumpkin Snickerdoodles.
- DONE! Bake bread made with yeast.
- Attempt one Julia Child recipe. - I borrowed a cookbook from the library and went to the Smithsonian to see her kitchen exhibit, does that count for anything?
- DONE! Bake a Martha Stewart cupcake successfully. - Counting this as done since I made two cupcakes only slightly adapted from Momma Martha.
- DONE! Reorganize/redesign pantry storage situation (okay, so this will mostly be Hubby, but I can help!) - working with what I have, but moving things around seems to be helping...we'll see if we go for a more long-term solution or not...right now life is good in the pantry...I bought a label maker and as you have probably guessed, I labeled all the things. LOVE.
- DONE! Discover a delicious beef brisket recipe...smoker or no smoker I need to figure out how to get some tasty brisket into my belly! - This was delicious and most definitely something that has happened more than once!
- DONE! Get a decent understanding of the book of Revelation. - Last spring I participated in a Beth Moore study on Revelation through our women's ministry at church and it was amazing!
- In Process! Scripture Memory - complete at least one year of the Living Proof Ministries (Beth Moore's) Scripture Memory Challenge. - I did really well at the beginning of the 2011...I did memorize several verses or have go-to verses that have stuck over the past few years. I think this shall always be (and should always be) a work in progress!
- DONE and In Process! See Beth Moore live, or attend another women's conference. - I attended a women's conference in the fall, am planning on attending one in March, AND have plans to go see Beth live with my college gals in the fall!
- DONE! Reacquaint ourselves with a young couples' ministry. - We gave the new group at church a shot, but it didn't work out for us...we are blessed to be surrounded by lots of other young couples who walk with us daily and really, that's what we want/need.
- In Process! Read through the Bible chronologically...still working on this one, not as quickly as I would have liked. I always seem to pause when I do a more intensive Bible study with my women's group...
- Watch the Godfather Movies.
- Eh? Do one of the Oscar days at the movie theater where you watch all the best picture nominations in one day/weekend. - Due to the fact that I finally let myself own the fact that I don't really like movie theaters, this isn't happening. I'd just rather wait and watch movies in our home theater with Hubby and Kitty.
- DONE! Read more...a lot more. Granted this isn't measurable, so let's say (realistically) 15 books. - My totals are: 2011 27 books, 2012 24 books...I even guest blogged for a friend over at Hooked to Books for a while...AND joined a book club which is having it's one year anniversary next month!
- DONE! Get a library card to assist in accomplishing #17.
- DONE! Be better about having Date Nights and actually taking advantage of babysitting offers. - We're definitely less shy than we used to be about asking for help which is a win =)
- Eh? Become a KCBS Certified BBQ Judge, just like Hubby. - we've found classes this spring that would be convenient should we have a place to stick our 3 year old...we'll see if that materializes.
- Complete wedding scrapbook.
- Dine at one of the Top Chef contestants' restaurants...or more ;-) - I have a friend that wants to do this with me, maybe we'll hit it for her 30th later this year!
- Attempt a Top Chef contestant recipe.
- In Process! Attain a reasonable/healthy weight and maintain so I can go through my closet and actually get rid of some clothes that are never going to happen again. - I've done really well, lost over 15 pounds since making this list and really only have 5 more to go. Really excited and our BFF is getting married in the spring so I totally have motivation to knock out those last 5 lbs after all the birthday food has subsided ;-)
- Figure out a plan for the master bath (our master suite is structurally confusing and slowly we're working on it.)
- DONE! Take a vacation... preferably one that does not require me to cook or clean house although a rental situation requiring such things would be an acceptable second vacation ;-) - in 2012 we hit both Disneyworld AND a kid-free anniversary vacation to Lake Louise in Banff National Park which was heavenly.
- DONE! WVU Girls Weekend =) Maybe two of them ;-) Or three 0=) - We've gotten together several times and have a date on the books to celebrate our collective 30ths this summer!
- In Process! Swimming lessons, namely for LJ, but it couldn't hurt me either to become more comfortable in the water. - she turns 3 in exactly one week, so she'll be of age and ready to go! (Yes, I'm 30, she'll be 3, and guess what...Hubby turns 33 this year...2013, ha!)
- In Process! Go to the eye doctor, probably should happen since it's been since my 2002 Lasik surgery. - We've undergone several insurance changes in the past few years, BUT I finally got some eye doctor recommendations and this spring should finally get myself there! I did pass my eye exam to renew my driver's license which I had to do this month, so...sort of a win?
- In Process! Figure out what I want to be when I'm not a stay-at-home-mom anymore =P - Are you really ever done with this one?
The Final Tally
14 - DONE!
8 - In Process
2 - Eh? (Abandoned)
6 - Incomplete
So, who wants to come over, make some Beef Stew, watch The Godfather movies, then eat some Cheesecake (preferably a recipe from Julia Child or a Top Chef contestant)?
All in all I'm more satisfied with this list than I originally thought I would be when I set out to update it for my birthday. Not too shabby, not too shabby at all! Maybe I'll finish these WHILE I'm 30 =)